How you can help
You can support the World Mosquito Program in many ways. Find out how.

Community members
We work closely with communities around the world to prevent mosquito-borne diseases. By working together, we can ensure communities implement our Wolbachia method in a sustainable and effective way. We encourage local community members to connect with us, learn about how to prevent disease, support the release of mosquitoes and host a mosquito trap.
What you can do

Your school can get involved with the World Mosquito Program by teaching students about mosquito-borne diseases and how our Wolbachia method prevents their transmission. Mosquito releases are also a great way for kids to get involved and to learn about the work we're doing in their local area.
What you can do

Community groups
We are supported by thousands of community groups around the world who help organise volunteers and ensure our Wolbachia method is implemented sustainably. We encourage local organisations to get involved with our project and help prevent mosquito-borne diseases.
What you can do

Help us share breaking news, stories and updates from our communities and laboratories.
What you can do

Our work is supported by government agencies, philanthropists and corporate partners. If you’re interested in helping fund our work to prevent mosquito-borne diseases, please contact us to find out how.
What you can do

We partner closely with all levels of government in the areas where we work. We also partner with local health ministries and community organisations to ensure our Wolbachia method is sustainably implemented. We encourage governments to learn about our unique, safe and cost-effective technique to prevent mosquito-borne diseases.